Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Skill Update December 5, 2017

Xero Rohan Skill Update

- Increase Evolve Skill from 40% Boost Attack and 30% HP to 40% Boost Attack and 40% HP of Level 7

- Decrease Cooldown of Evolve Skill from 300 secs to 60 secs.

- Increase Critical Immnunity Skill from level 7 1400 Block Critical Attacks to 2000

- Increase Katar Mastery from 75% to 200% increase weapon attack damage

- Increase Crash Above Skill from 80% chance of stunning an enemy using psychic Crash skill for 3 secs to 100% chance

- Increase Polearm Mastery from 1000% to 4000% increase weapon attack damage

- Storm Assault changed to Octopus

- Revert Back Ranger's Siege Shot and Speed Wind Cooldown to 10 secs

- Decrease Kidney Strike from 600% to 75% of regular damage as interval

- Decrease Broken Ground from 525% to 325% damage

- Decrease Giant Shift from 450% to 270% damage
Unknown Web Developer

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